Tuesday, March 24, 2009


just linking the applet to have available. 
however, this is not really the motion to be working from. is there a way to get the window to the generator you made? 
stressing- absolute simplest movement through the absolute smallest window. from there we can extend physically but anything else will be too complex i think.


  1. i do really like the idea of the waves cancelling each other out, that could be very interesting and give a person on one side viewing a completely different experience than someone on the other side. in thinking, i think vantage point and perspective should be used to our advantage and capitalized on- concept dictates form-

  2. yeah i'm just throwing ideas out there.

    about the link, i don't think i can put the applet online because i don't have my own website :(

    but maybe you remember what the general motion looks like?

  3. i do. well, that is something to work on. getting the applet we are using illustrated and easily viewable.
